
Oh Joy

Do you ever want to rip your teeth out?  If you have braces then I am sure you will understand. Okay, okay, I really don't want to, but that couldn't possibly hurt worse than my teeth do right now.

Wednesday I went to the ortho and my teeth were feeling fine, until they put these evil things known as "chains" on my two front teeth to get rid of the gap. 

I feel these pictures sum up my emotions about it perfectly.

They are slowly easing me into the pain by only putting them on my two front teeth, but next appointment they will put more on. Thanks mom for the gappy teeth gene. :)

But on a brighter note my gap in my two front teeth is almost completely gone!!!

Oh yeah and thanks mom and dad for spending the big bucks on my teeth....I really do appreciate it, even if I rant about it on my blog. :)


  1. PAIGE! I love the gap between your teeth!! this is a sad day! :( I was actually going to ask you how your braces were the other day, but I forgot..

  2. paige, i love reading your blog! you are the funniest.

  3. I chose to pass you the gappy teeth genes, instead of the fat thigh one. I made a good choice I think! No pain, no gain! :)
