
the time has come.....

Yes, it's is that time of year ALREADY.  Well "that time of year" is coming a couple weeks late for me (the later the better.) I do like to brag that I have had 4 1/2 months of summer this year.  And yup I loved every second of it....yes EVERY second of it.

Unlike some kids I know I really am not sick of summer or ready to go back to school.  But if I could choose I wouldn't want to ever go back.  So I have to go back sooner or later..............

That lucky day is tomorrow.  My first day of eighth grade.  This first week I will just be going 1/2 days and next week all day (if everything goes smoothly....which I sure hope it does.)  Am I nervous.  No not at all.  Yes I am. Completely.  I'm used to going back to school knowing everybody,  going to a place with all my friends,  knowing all the teachers,  one hallway, (ok 1/2 a hallway) And feeling completely comfortable.  This will not be the case this year.  New teachers,  too many loud and crazy students,  hectic hallways, and 4 more hallways. Oh yeah...and locker combinations.

Yup completely different. 
Wish me luck.  I need it.


  1. Paige you will be fantastic! seriously. everything will be fine and everyone will love you.

  2. 8th grade, WOW! You will do great Paige. If you get lost, just stand there and look cute and some nice boy will stop and help you :)

  3. Good luck at your first day of school! You'll rock it :)
