
pack, pack, pack..

Okay, so we have now started packing for our big move. Risa said "we don't need more than a week to pack all our stuff up.".......I sure hope she is right.:)   Nobody else seems to agree with her....everytime I go somewhere people say, "you haven't started packing yet?"......I just reply with a little ha laugh and say "nope".

But in case you were worried we would never start to pack, we have now. Better late than never though right???

Wednesday we did the whole storage room. I will be honest, I thought it would take us forever to clean out the storage room, aka the room Paige tosses random things into. But that whole mess of a room only took from 3:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.  How you ask???....a lot of hardwork. And my no bake cookies to lighten the mood.:)

I am now just getting the "you are actually moving" vibes. Also the "you won't know anyone" "you are going to a new school" "you are leaving you home that you have lived in most of your childhood".......
But I still am excited. A new home that is brand new. Five minutes away from Jeff and Jordan...woot woot. :) ( Jordan and Jeff you got your very own shout out.) :)

Yes it has taken me this long to start feeling nervous.  Now that all my stuff is packed up and in just 4 days will be packed away.:( 

I have learned something however.....packing is bittersweet. Even though I am excited to move I am now for reals leaving Malta behind.  Okay I also learned that I need to keep my drawers more organized so it makes packing much easier.  Like Hailey.

I had a few smiles and laughs....and aww moments as I packed. Okay, Okay, and a few "Why is this in here?"...or "OHHH this is where it went.."  I also found some good things I thought I would share with you.

My mom's old pictures.  She was the cutest little first grader ever.  And she went on a couple of dates with  Greg Harman. Ha

My mom's second grade report card. I will just put it this way......we didn't get our mathematical brains from her. Well maybe Bryce and Marissa. And maybe Natalie. You can decide for yourself if that is a good thing.

My "get well" note from a certain kid.....hahha.....I have been looking for it for the past few months. Every time I read it I laugh.

Two letters I never sent.....( sorry Rylee..)

My school journal from kindergarten.  I apparently got my d's mixed up with b's.
One time I wrote, "I like my blanket because it smells goob." Some things never change. ( I am still always expressing how good my blanket smells.)

Notes from sixth grade written by Rylee....and creepy pictures of eyes...( rylee cough cough)

My four journals all of wich I wrote in the first 10 pages and no more.  Lets just say journal writing isn't my thing.

Even though packing up really isn't fun at all.....you can tell that I had a few good reminders of the past.......... I just can't wait until we are done!!!!

Random fact about Risa Diva:
She likes to decorate with baskets.
Wich means she has way too many.
Little baskets, big baskets, short, fat, skinny baskets. Yes all the baskets you can imagine.

Yes. Even baskets big enough to play in.


  1. Firstly, I love how you call your mom Risa.
    Secondly... now you HAVE to send the letters :)
    Thirdly, it is a pain to organize everything after so many years..I feel your pain.
    Fourthly, the eyes aren't THAT creepy [:

  2. Ahhh, there it is Paige, our very own shout out! We even got a woot, woot! My heart feels happy! We can't wait to have you FIVE minutes away!

  3. Excuse me. I think you have my report card mixed up with someone else's. I had a solid B+, thank you very much. Also, you got your brains from you dad; your good looks from me. You lucky girl! :)
